Corporate Social Responsibility
Journey Of CSR
HAL Cares - A CSR Film

During the last 2 decades, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved from a simple philanthropic activity to integrating business interests with the community in which it operates, exhibiting social, environmental & ethically responsible behavior in governance of business, generating values & long term sustainability.
HAL believes that every business entity needs to have a mechanism for giving back to the Society in which it operates. The Company’s Business principles dovetail with its CSR initiatives to ensure that the society surrounding it grows along with the Company.
HAL recognizes the need to adopt CSR as a strategic tool for Sustainable Development, integration of business processes with social processes and also addressing the concern of the society around it. The Company acknowledges that its performance would also be measured in terms of economic impact, social impact and environmental impact – the Triple Bottom Line.
HAL as a responsible organization has embraced the Community-based Development approach, working actively with local communities leading to Sustainable Development.

HAL Divisions are spread across the Country, even in places considered as remote (like the Division at Koraput, Odisha) where Scheduled Castes and Tribes and Aborigines constitute 65% (approx.) of the population. The very choice of such locations was intentional to take up Developmental Activities in the backward regions.
CSR initiatives of HAL have started as ‘a call from within’ and not as a compulsion. HAL has been undertaking CSR Projects / Programmes in the local areas of its Operations, with a view to improve the quality of life of the socially & economically backward groups and marginalized & weaker Sections of the Society. HAL has been meeting the needs of the people through various community developmental activities.
HAL has been taking up CSR Projects/activities in the vicinity, based on identified needs and availability of Funds, in various Sectors like:
  • Infrastructure Development: Bitumen / Cement Concrete / Water Bound Macadam (WBM) Roads with Rain Water Drains and culverts have been constructed, especially in the rural areas. Construction of Community Halls along with Kitchen & Toilets, and Compound Walls for public amenities like Anganwadi Centers, Schools, Dumping Yard, etc., have also been undertaken. Solar / Conventional Street Lights / High-mast Lights in Villages have also been provisioned to ease the life of the villagers.
  • Education: As part of its endeavor in encouraging education, HAL has been providing school essentials like Desks, Benches, Computers, Audio Visual Equipments and stationery items like Books, Pens etc., to the children studying in the Government Schools in the villages. Further, based on need and availability of Funds, School Buildings, Class Rooms, Labs, Kitchens, Store Rooms, Dining Halls, Dormitories etc., are also constructed at select places. Koraput District is considered as one of the most backward Districts of Odisha and is predominantly inhabited by SC/ST and other economically backward class people. Due to increase in the number of school going students, class rooms had become insufficient. In this back drop, the District Administration, Koraput had sought assistance from HAL, Koraput Division in providing 50 additional class rooms in the Government Schools. The work was executed through District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Koraput. The Company has also taken initiatives towards promoting Special Education for the Differently Abled Children, especially to those from the Below Poverty Line (BPL) Family background. 
  • Drinking Water: Projects have been undertaken to provide Safe Drinking Water through Open Wells and Tube Wells. Depending upon the quality of water, Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems are also provided in schools and villages. Sumps and Overhead Tanks have been constructed and pipelines are laid up to a common point in the streets at select villages. Murali Nagar (Village) in Ranga Reddy District, Telangana was adopted by HAL, Hyderabad Division on the recommendations of the District Administration, Ranga Reddy District, Government of Telangana. The water available in the village is contaminated with fluorine which is causing bone related diseases. Hence, a community based RO Plant was provided and 20 liter water per day per family is being supplied to the families through Automatic Machine through card swiping. Similarly, Water ATMs have been provided at various villages of Niphad Taluka at Nasik, Maharashtra.
  • River Rejuvenation: Rejuvenation project of the dried up River Basin of River Kumudavathi in Bangalore Rural and Ramnagara District of Karnataka State had been undertaken and completed, by contributing about Rs.14 Crore for the project benefitting around 170 villages in 11 mini watershed areas. The outcome of this rejuvenation project has been the revival of defunct bore wells, increase in the ground water level and irrigation tanks. This has resulted in various agro-horticulture developments in the region and a significant increase in natural vegetation and biodiversity. 
  • Environment / Flora & Fauna: In its efforts towards conservation of Nature and protection of flora and fauna, HAL has been adopting wild animals / birds in Zoological Parks, beautification of lakes, restoration of historical sites (Sher Shah Suri Pond, Kanpur). Further, Tree Plantation is being taken up as regular activity in the nearby areas. 
  • Healthcare: HAL has been organizing health camps in the specialized areas of eye, gynecology, dental, pediatrics and general medicine for convenience of aged patients, children and seriously ill patients, in the vicinity of the Divisions. Free inpatient and outpatient treatment is also extended in select places, especially in the interior Areas of Koraput, Odisha. Distribution of Artificial Limbs & Assistive Devices for Physically Challenged Persons is also being done by Divisions like Kanpur & Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
  • Sanitation: To increase the overall cleanliness and Sanitation, Toilets were / are being constructed in Govt. Schools under the Swachh Vidyalaya Initiative. Similarly, Toilets were / are being constructed at Public Places under the Swachh Bharat Initiatives.
  • Renewable Energy: Solar Street Lights & Solar Water Heaters have been provided in select villages, to propagate the use of Renewable Energy. Solar Domestic Lanterns have been supplied to the inhabitants of select villages (one to each family) where no electricity connection is available. Solar Domestic Lanterns have been provided at select Residential Schools for Girls, SC/STs, Deaf, Mentally Challenged, Orphanage Homes, Old Age Homes etc. Due to power cuts, many schools in Rural Areas are not able to use the infrastructure facilities like computer lab during the day time when the school is functioning. HAL has provided 4 KW off grid Power Solutions (Solar System) in more than 63 Government Schools in Gubbi Taluk, Tumkur District of Karnataka State, with battery backup suitable for two day. Similarly, based on the request from the Head of the Educational Institutions at selected Government Schools in the vicinity, HAL has installed Solar Rooftop Power Plants of    8-12 Kva Capacity in 44 Schools in Bangalore and Tumkur District of Karnataka State, which are grid-tied through net-metering without any storage. The power generated is being utilized immediately as schools function during the day time. 
  • Wind Power Plant: HAL has installed a 6.3 MW Wind Power Plant at Davangere, Karnataka, under CSR as part of its MoU target of 2012-13 (Medium-term 3 years). The Project was completed & commissioned at a cost of Rs. 43.89 crores. The revenue generated from the Wind Power Plant in a year is being added to the CSR Budget of the next year. 
  • Sports: HAL has been organizing Sports Tournaments in the fields of Football, Kabaddi, Volleyball, Cricket etc. for the youth of neighbouring villages of select HAL Divisions. Annual School Sports Meets are also being organized among the school students. Sports kits for Cricket, Football, Volleyball, Badminton etc., are being distributed to the schools / youth of neighbouring villages. The Company has also been developing Play Grounds in the vicinity of its Divisions to encourage Sports. 
  • SAI-HAL Sports Training Centre at HAL Koraput: With a view to identify and nurture tribal / local sports talent and bring them up to National / International level, SAI-HAL Sports Training Centre has been established at HAL, Koraput Division, with technical support and posting of Coaches from the Sports Authority of India (SAI). The Centre had initially started coaching in two disciplines, i.e. Football & Archery, from July 2010. From 2016-17 onwards, “Athletics” has been added. The duration of the training is 3 years and is extendable upto the age of 21 years based on performance in the respective disciplines. Candidates are inducted in the age group of 12 to 15 years from the most backward and SC/ST dominated Districts of Odisha (Koraput-Balangir-Kalahandi, i.e. KBK region).
  • Football Academy at Bangalore: HAL Sports Club Bangalore, a pioneer in promoting sports, had produced National Lever Football Players in the past who had kept the HAL flag flying high. HAL team had participated in the prestigious I-League also.To bring back the past glory, HAL as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has started a Football Academy at Bangalore to spot / identify and nurture young talent in Football through professional tie-ups. The Academy is formed to develop a pool of talent with the infrastructure developed by HAL. The aim is to spot talent at a young age and develop players of exceptional caliber and prepare them for tough domestic and International tournaments. In addition to professional grooming, emphasis is also given on holistic Personality Development for the young players. Carefully selected players are being provided professional coaching. 

    Proper Infrastructure is one of the fundamental requirements in this regard. Keeping this in mind, HAL has developed two (2) FIFA standard football grounds, one with Artificial Turf and the other with Natural Turf at Bangalore, which would help in development &Coaching. These grounds are also expected to be used by various top teams for training like I-League and Foreign teams when they visit Bangalore for tournaments or exhibition matches.

    Efforts are underway to form a National Football Academy in collaboration with the Sports Authority of India & All India Football Federation. In the long run, the Academy would become a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in Football.
  • HAL-IISc Skill Development Centre: Skilled Manpower is a basic requirement for development of any technology, and ultimately, it’s the technology which has a significant contribution towards the overall development of the Nation. In order to address the Skill Development gaps in the niche engineering sectors in the nation, HAL is supporting IISc, Bangalore in establishment of HAL-IISc Skill Development Centre at Challakere, Chitradurga District, Karnataka, at a total Budget of Rs. 73.70 crores.

    As of 31.03.2020, construction work of the Facility stands completed with approximate area of 75000 sq. ft. which includes Lecture Halls, Skill Development Workshops, and Auditorium with a seating capacity of 250 people, Hostel facilities for trainees and trainers, etc.
    The Centre will provide training at different levels in the following areas:
    •    Manufacturing Processes;
    •    Electronic System Engineering;
    •    Aerospace and Allied Sectors.
    The Courses will be offered at three levels:
    •    General Technical Skills System Engineering
    •    Specialized Skills for Practitioners
    •    Advanced Training for experienced personnel.
    The Centre is expected to create a large pool of trained personnel at multiple levels to occupy various positions in the areas of skill development.
  • Skill Development: In order to enhance the employability of the youth, Training Sessions in CAD, CAM, Computer Hardware & Networking, Electrical Gadgets Repairing, CNC Milling, CNC Turning etc., are being organized at select Divisions. Unemployed youth living in nearby areas of HAL, Koraput Division are being sponsored for job oriented courses of duration ranging from 6 months to 1 year at Central Institute of Plastic Engineering & Technology (CIPET), Bhubaneshwar / Rayagada Districts of Odisha State, a premier National Institute under the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers. The Institute has assured minimum 70 % placement to the passed out students. Passed out students have already been provided placement in various private industries throughout India, mostly in Plastic related industries. Further, Skill Development Training in Professional Employment Oriented Courses like Making Dolls, Agarbatti,  Phenyl, Coir Products, Leaf Plates, Electrical Wiring & Repairing, Auto Mobile Repairing, Mushroom Cultivation, Sericulture, AC Servicing, Embroidery, Arts & Painting, Driving, Plumbing etc., have been organized as part of Women Empowerment Programmes.
CSR Policy
CSR Policy of the Company was redrafted, in line with the provisions prescribed under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013. It delineates the Policy Statement, Objectives, Scope, Budget & Approval, Implementation & Review Process, Reporting, Impact Assessment, Evaluation etc.
Click on the link to view the CSR Policy
CSR Projects / Activities
The CSR Projects being implemented during the Financial Year 2022-23 can be accessed by clicking on the link: CSR Projects